Assured Life is committed to prioritising clients’ interests. Clients are the focus of our services. We believe clients’ concerns and complaints are one of the most important ways of understanding, and learning, what we need to do to keep improving and getting better at what we do.
We are keen to resolve any complaint as quickly as we can and clear up any misunderstandings. We have an internal complaint handling process in place to help resolve any complaints. If you have a complaint about the adviser, product, or any part of the service, we encourage you to contact us Complaints officer.
You may contact our Complaints Officer by either of the following options:
Once a complaint is received, we will send you a response to acknowledge that we have received your complaint.
We will investigate your complaint and strive to resolve your dissatisfaction. Timeframes to resolving complaints does depend on the intricacy of the complaint; please allows us time to assess and work out all possible resolution. We will inform you once a decision is made.
If a resolution can’t be reached, we will escalate your complaint to our compliance manager who will independently review your complaint and ensure all areas of resolution have been investigated and presented Compliance manger will inform you once a final decision is made.
If you disagree or the complaints remain unresolved you can take further action by contacting our external dispute resolution scheme.
If your complaint remains unresolved, or you’re not happy with the outcome you can refer the matter to Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL).
Assured Life is a member of this independent external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. There is no cost to you to use their services.